**Please note that in our effort to be ethical by not selling your data to third parties, we integrate a small subscription fee to cover the costs of running this project. Do support us!
Dear parent,
A new way to parent is here! Our chores manager app uses behavioral psychology to motivate kids of all ages to positive behaviors. It says no to old-school brute force methods and instead approaches chores assignment from a soft, welcoming place backed by science. ChoreChamp is the most effective chores manager app that is based on the incentive theory of motivation.
• Chores done on autopilot, willingly
• Kids with positive "can-do" attitude
• Teachable, non-confrontational kids
• Cultivation of delayed gratification (kids can decide to forgo small rewards for bigger ones)
• Use behavioral psychology to motivate kids, not brute force
• Ingrain positive behaviors that last a lifetime
• Tasks
Daily to-dos to cultivate positive habits.
• Quests
Bigger one-time projects that are non-recurring.
• Rewards
You define what rewards to offer per your parenting style.
• Timeline
See how the fam is doing over time in a simple history view.
• Approvals
Decide every movement your kids make in their profile.
• Reinforcements
Give stars to reward positive behavior.
• Consequences
Deduct stars to teach kids about negative behavior.
• Password locking
Ensure kids do not self-approve and hack the system!
• Notifications
Stay up to date and never miss your kids’ action.
• Single account
With multiple profiles, a simple and easy setup for the entire fam to sync!
• 7-day free trial without a card necessary
• Only $3/month or $30/year after the risk-free free trial
• Cancel anytime through your Apple account
Please contact us directly for assistance / feature requests at [email protected].
You can review our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy at http://legal.haaatch.com/
Thank you very much!